It is used in medical and cosmetology institutions, for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The device is intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases of internal organs, ENT organs, musculoskeletal and nervous systems, genitourinary system, eyes, oral cavity, trophic ulcers, massage of the musculoskeletal system. It is used in physiotherapy, dentistry, cosmetology.
Inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints with severe pain syndrome (arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, periarthritis, epicondylitis); Consequences of injuries and damage to the musculoskeletal system; Inflammatory diseases of peripheral nerves (neuritis and neuralgia, sciatica); Diseases of internal organs (chronic bronchitis, pleurisy, biliary dyskinesia); Genitourinary system (adnexitis, cervical erosion, prostatitis); Diseases of the ENT organs, eyes, oral cavity, scleroderma, trophic ulcers.